Iraqi army launches counter-terrorism operation against ISIL

Iraqi army launches counter-terrorism operation against ISIL
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 10th, 2021

A series of counterterrorism operations by Iraqi army forces continues in various parts of the country. Iraqi forces launched new operation against Takfiris in Nineveh province, Almaloomah news reported.

According to the report, Iraqi army forces smashed Takfiri terrorist positions in the city of Tal Afar during the operation. In this antiterrorist operation in Nineveh province, Iraqi security forces were able to identify and arrest one of the most dangerous ISIL elements who was previously wanted.

Yesterday, Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Unit (PMU)’s forces, known as Hashd al-Sha’abi, and Iraqi army launched a joint operation against the remnants of ISIL terrorist elements in the country.

The counterterrorism operation was carried out in the Yathrib area, located on the southern part of Samarra. During the operation, Iraqi Army and PMU forces managed to seize and confiscate some weapons belonging to ISIL Takfiri terrorist groups.


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