UNESCO to support Iran in promoting science, technology

UNESCO to support Iran in promoting science, technology
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 9th, 2021

Referring to the establishment of Gundishapur University, Audrey Azoulay noted that since its establishment, this university has been the intellectual capital of the Sassanid Empire, the main center of knowledge production, and a global forum for the production of science.

The UNSECO top official highlighted that this university has played a key role in Iran's historical superiority in science.

In ancient times, as she explained, Iran was the center of scientific achievements and the transfer of knowledge from China and India in the east to Greece and Rome in the west.

Due to this heritage, she continued, Iran is one of the main scientific partners of UNESCO.

She noted that the establishment anniversary of Gundishapur University is an opportunity to celebrate and promote the scientific heritage that this institution proudly represents.

The congress is held online on March 9-10, 2021.

Ahwaz Gundishapur University of Medical Sciences (AJUMS) is a medical school in Khuzestan Province of Iran.

Located in southwestern Iran in the city of Ahwaz, the university was established as a College of Medicine administered by the Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz in 1955, which itself was a revived reincarnation of the ancient Academy of Gundishapur that existed in the same area in antiquity.


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