Emirati commander killed in Yemen's Shabwah

Emirati commander killed in Yemen's Shabwah
Mehr News
Mehr News - April 11th, 2022

An Emirati officer was shot dead by a militant affiliated with the resined government of Mansour Hadi at Ataq Airport in the southern province of Shabwah.

According to a local source, the Saudi-backed soldier killed the Emirati officer in response to an "insult and humiliation" by him.

The local source told "Arabi 21" that the Emirati officer insulted one of the soldiers at the airport, who prompted the soldier to shoot him.

Saudi and Emirati forces were stationed at Ataq Airport after the ouster of the former governor of Shabwa, Mohammed Saleh bin Adio and the appointment of another loyalist to the UAE in late December 2021.


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