Islamic Revolution changed all international equations

Islamic Revolution changed all international equations
Mehr News
Mehr News - February 4th, 2022

Speaking during this week’s Friday Prayers’ sermon, Hojjatoleslam Kazem Sedighi said that Islamic Revolution of Iran changed the international equations and paved suitable ways for the freedom-seeking nations of the world.

The hojjatoleslam also expressed his condolences on the demise of Ayatollah Safi Golpayegani and pointed to his revolutionary services and important responsibilities made during the Islamic Republic era and prayed to Almighty God to bestow divine forgiveness and blessings on him and elevate his ranks [in the Heavens] to the highest.

Turning to the salient characteristic of the late Imam Khomeini (RA), he said that the late Imam Khomeini (RA) stood firmly against the Global Arrogance and managed to foil conspiracies waged against the country with his utmost power and strengthen.

Today, Islamic Republic of Iran is a superpower in the region and international arena, he said, adding, “Seizing UK-flagged vessels and American troops in the Persian Gulf and downing the American drone are solid evidences of Iran’s utmost power in the international arena.”

In the end of his sermon, Hojjatoleslam Sedighi pointed to the reemergence of COVID-19 in the country and called on all walks of life to fully observe health protocols and guidelines.


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