Iran FM stresses again "JCPOA cannot be renegotiated"

Iran FM stresses again "JCPOA cannot be renegotiated"
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 5th, 2021

"JCPOA cannot be renegotiated—period. If 2021 is not 2015, it's not 1945 either. So let's change UN Charter & remove the veto—so often abused by US. Let's stop posturing—which we both did 2003-2012 to no avail—& get down to implementing JCPOA—which we both actually signed on to," the top Iranian diplomat said in a post on his Twitter account on Thursday night after it was announced on Thursday afternoon that Britain, France and Germany have scrapped a US-backed plan for the IAEA Board of Governors to criticize Iran for ceasing its voluntary implementation of the IAEA Additional Protocol.

Meanwhile, the Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said on Thursday afternoon that the plan to adopt an anti-Iran resolution at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was shelved thanks to intensive diplomatic efforts in Tehran, Vienna, and the capital cities of all member states of the Board of Governors, especially the E3, and with the cooperation of China and Russia.

The spokesman for the Iranian government Ali Rabei had already threatened that Tehran would reconsider its recent agreement with the IAEA if the nuclear watchdog's Board of Governors issues a resolution against it.

After the US exit from the world powers' nuclear deal with Iran in May 2018 and imposing the unprecedented sanctions on the Iranian nation which was followed by the indifference of the European parties to the need for compensating Iran's losses as a result of the US violation of the international accord, Iran started reducing its JCPOA commitments in five steps and finally suspended voluntary implementation of the Additional Protocol on Monday midnight February 22.

Before ceasing the Additional protocol, Iran had begun enriching uranium to 20% purity in accordance with a piece of legislation approved by the parliament dubbed the Strategic Action Plan to Counter Sanctions in early last December, setting a Feb. 21 deadline for Biden administration to lift the US sanctions.


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