Israeli forces martyred three Palestinians in Jenin, WB

Israeli forces martyred three Palestinians in Jenin, WB
Mehr News
Mehr News - December 8th, 2022

The Palestinian Health Ministry said in a brief statement that the three martyrs were identified as Sudqi Zakarneh, 29, from the city of Jenin, Tareq al-Damj, 29, from Jenin refugee camp, and Ata Shalabi, 46, from Qabatya, near Jenin.

Fierce clashes erupted between Israeli occupying forces and local Palestinian youth after the martyrdom during which the troops used live rounds, injuring 10 Palestinians. The wounded were moved to the hospital for medical treatment, Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.

The latest figures bring up the number of Palestinians killed by the Israeli occupying forces since the beginning of the year to 216, including 164 in the West Bank and 54 in the Gaza Strip.

Local sources say that as soon as the Zionist army forces entered the Jenin camp, they started shooting at pedestrians and passing vehicles, as a result of which 3 Palestinian youths were martyred and several others were injured.

The spokesman of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) Hazem Qasem, in response to today's crime committed by the Zionist forces in Jenin, said that the occupiers want to stop the Palestinian people's struggle with this crime, but on the contrary, these crimes increase their determination to resist against occupiers.


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