Iranian Pistachios, dates and Nuts

Iranian Pistachios, dates and Nuts
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 9th, 2022

Iranian Mazafati Date, a great superfood

Mazafati date is famous in the world for its excellent taste and high quality. This type of date has a high nutritional value and is considered a great healthy snack. Based on the moisture of date, the Mazafati date is divided into some categories, and the two main categories are high moisture and low moisture date: humidity above 24% and low humidity with humidity below 24%. The moisture level of Mazafati dates can differ depending on the different harvesting times which might start from early August and last till the end of October Mazafati date is the most common type of date for table eating and snack time.

To compare Mazafati dates price in Iran with other date types, it is one of the most expensive dates available in the market. The color of Mazafati fresh dates range from dark brown to black.

"Based on the moisture of date, the Mazafati date is divided into some categories, and the two main categories are high moisture and low moisture date: humidity above 24% and low humidity with humidity below 24%"Mazafati small packing dates are categorized in different grades depending on their moisture and size, for example (700-750 gr.)- (600-650 gr.)- (500-550 gr.), ….

Nutritional facts of Iranian Mazafati date

Mazafati dates are high in Iron, Natural Sugar and healthy snack for the body. This type of date is a great source of various nutrients of Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, etc.

100 grams of Mazafati dates contain 266 Cal, 2g Protein, 7g Fiber and 0.3g Fat.

You can add Mazafati dates to your daily consumption list and you can buy the highest quality with the Mazafati dates price in Iran from reliable websites like Kouroshfoods.

Persian pistachios, the best export of Iran

In Iran, the heart of the middle east, there are many vast pistachio farms. These farms need to have certain conditions to be suitable for pistachio growth such as hot weather and dry climate. Drier and warmer weather are important factors for better qualified Persian pistachio growth. Shelled pistachios and pistachio kernels are the most commercial and famous types of nuts in Iran.

Iran is famous for its high-quality pistachio which is because of its suitable climate.

Nutritional facts of Iranian Pistachio

You can eat one or two handfuls of pistachio per day. Iranian pistachios are a great source of healthy fats, anti-inflammatory traits, fiber, protein, antioxidants and various nutrients including vitamin B6. There is no doubt that pistachio has a great impact on your health and it is good to know, that pistachios are a great source of Potassium and anti-oxidants also. The following advantages are to be mentioned: 

1. It lessens the chance of cardiovascular diseases.


"Mazafati small packing dates are categorized in different grades depending on their moisture and size, for example (700-750 gr.)- (600-650 gr.)- (500-550 gr.), ….Nutritional facts of Iranian Mazafati date Mazafati dates are high in Iron, Natural Sugar and healthy snack for the body"The fact that it has a high amount of protein will cause you to feel full for a longer time therefore, it’s a great snack if you are on a diet.

3. It is considered a great source of minerals.

One ounce of pistachio kernels which is approximately 50 kernels has 159 calories, 12.865 grams of fat, 7.7 grams of carbs and 5.7 protein.

The pistachio types that reliable companies like Kourosfoods provide:

1. Round Fandoghi kernel

2. Ahmad Aghaei pistachio

3. Akbari pistachio


Jumbo pistachio (Kalleh Ghouchi Pistachio)

5. Green and red pistachio kernels

The last but not least item:

Iranian nuts, an energy booster

There are 28 different kinds of nuts cultivated in Iran every year. Some cities are known for their special nuts, Hamedan is known for its walnut and Kerman is well known for its pistachio. 80% of pistachios produced by Iran has been exported to other countries.

Nutritional facts of Iranian nuts

Eating nuts on a regular basis can benefit your health in many ways, such as reducing diabetes and heart disease risk, as well as your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Due to the high level of fiber in nuts, they can aid you in the process of weight loss despite their high-calorie count.

Nuts have the following benefits for your health:


"Iran is famous for its high-quality pistachio which is because of its suitable climate.Nutritional facts of Iranian PistachioYou can eat one or two handfuls of pistachio per day"They Reduce the Risk of Heart Attacks and Strokes

2. They reduce inflammation and promote ageing in a healthy manner

3.  They are considered antioxidant powerhouses.

Uses of Persian nuts

1. They can be considered as a good snack for special dietaries such as diabetic people.

2. They can be used as a nutritious salad topping for vegetarians.


They can be used in oriental desserts and ice creams.

4. Iranians use them frequently in both their meals mixed with rice and desserts.

5. They can be used to make different types of sauces such as pistachio pesto sauce.

Iranian products price range

Mazafati dates price in Iran, Iranian nuts price. Specially Persian pistachios price depends on the type and quality of the products that you request for and their availability during that time of the year. You can get the best quality Iranian products from famous and responsible producers and exporters such as Kourosh dried fruits company.


Iran is one of the greatest producers and exporters of dates, Persian nuts and pistachios but choosing the brand wisely is vital.

"Iranian pistachios are a great source of healthy fats, anti-inflammatory traits, fiber, protein, antioxidants and various nutrients including vitamin B6"Different brands and suppliers provide you with different qualities and prices. Therefore, choosing a responsible and reliable company like Kourosfoods can end to your benefit. For ordering online you can visit this website.

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