Russia warns Ukrainian capital residents

Russia warns Ukrainian capital residents
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 1st, 2022

On 24 February 2022, Russia launched a large-scale military operation against Ukraine in response to the NATO provocations and the Kyiv bid to join the western military alliance despite Russia's earlier warning.

The Russian and Ukrainian delegations met on Monday for ceasefire talks in Belarus but the only result was announcing further talks in an uncertain future. The conflict did not stop while the ceasefire talks were underway yesterday.

Here is the latest news on Russia's operation in Ukraine on Tuesday:

Russia warns Ukrainian capital residents

Russia will launch a strike against the 'Center for Information and Psychological Operations' in the Ukrainian capital to suppress the number of information attacks on various state institutions and Russian citizens.

Moscow warned residents who live in close proximity to communications towers near the headquarters in the center of Kiev to evacuate their homes for their own safety.

Russian forces hit 1,325 Ukrainian military infrastructure objects

The Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 1,325 Ukrainian military infrastructure objects since the start of the operation, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said Tuesday, according to Chinese Xinhua news agency.

EU sanctions 26 high-profile Russian officials

The European Union (EU) has imposed sanctions on 26 Russian figures, including military leaders, businessmen, journalists and bankers, in a bid to pressure Moscow.

Zelensky attends EU meeting, calls for more support

The president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky spoke at an online meeting of the EU parliament on Tuesday. He also called on the EU to accept accession to the bloc by Ukraine.

Medvedev hits back at French Finance Minister Le Maire

"Don't forget that economic wars in the history of mankind have often escalated into real ones," cautioned Russia’s Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev, according to RT.

His warning was in response to the words of French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, who threatened to launch a "total economic and financial war" against Russia.

UK bans Russian ships from docking in British ports

UK has passed a law involving a “total ban on all ships with any Russian connection whatsoever from entering British ports” , Transport Secretary said on Tuesday.

UK can’t create no-fly zone over Ukraine, would lead to direct confrontation with Russia – PM Johnson

PM Boris Johnson has said that his country cannot create a no-fly zone over Ukraine for fear of risking a direct confrontation with Russia.

UK prime minister says UK willing to take 200,000 Ukrainian refugees. He made the remarks after meeting with Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki in Warsaw.

After the alleged Russian strike, President Zelensky reportedly called Russia a terrorist state while Kremlin spokesman described him as the legitimate president of Ukraine.

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