Azeri president thanks Iran for assisting Nakhchivan

Azeri president thanks Iran for assisting Nakhchivan
Mehr News
Mehr News - April 13th, 2022

According to the news website "Silk Way", the President of Azerbaijan said In his speech at the meeting on the achievements of the government of Azerbaijan in the first quarter of this year that the people of Nakhchivan faced a shortage of gas in the past due to the Armenian sabotage.

Ilham Aliyev further stated that "We will never forget the incident in which Nakhchivan was left without gas. The Armenians cut off our gas supplies to Nakhchivan, cut off our water, but in 2005, under an agreement with Iran, we transferred gas from Iran to Nakhchivan and built a gas pipeline from Azerbaijani Astara border to Astara city in Iran. We are currently conducting swap operations between the two countries. Since then, Nakhchivan gas has been supplied this way."

He also noted the disconnection between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan autonomous region through Armenia and said, "This link will be established again through Iran."

He also pointed out that "We are planning to implement a road construction project from Iran to Nakhchivan and from there to world markets."

In his speech, Aliyev described Nakhchivan as part of the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and added, "This region is landlocked by Armenia and for that reason, its link with Azerbaijan has been cut off."


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Mehr News - April 13th, 2022