E3 seeking to condemn Iran in Board of Governors

E3 seeking to condemn Iran in Board of Governors
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 1st, 2021

E3 countries seek to pass a US-backed anti-Iranian resolution despite the warnings issued by Moscow and Tehran regarding the consequences of such action.

Britain, France, and Germany have submitted a draft resolution to the Board of Governors accusing Iran of undermining transparency. They also expressed concern about the lack of progress in getting Iran to explain the presence of uranium particles at the three sites.

It is still unclear how many members of the Board of Governors will support the plan, meanwhile, Russia has warned that such a move will further complicate efforts to safeguard the Nuclear Deal.

Last Thursday, however, US diplomats presented a draft resolution outlining US protests against Iran's decision to suspend voluntary action under the JCPOA, urging Tehran to fully cooperate with IAEA inspectors.

Iran also rejected the EU’s offer to participate in informal talks with the United States, noting that if Washington seeks to participate in JCPOA talks, the country must first fulfill its commitments under Resolution 2231 and lift unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

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