Greece says intercepted armed Turkish fighter jets

Greece says intercepted armed Turkish fighter jets
Mehr News
Mehr News - July 26th, 2022

According to Greek media, the Turkish air force committed 19 violations of Greek airspace on Monday, maintaining the climate of tensions in Greek-Turkish relations.

The Greek City Times reported that 20 Turkish F-16 fighter jets flew in ten formations, of which 6 were armed.

In four cases, the illegal flights of the Turkish fighters developed into dog fights with the Greek aircraft.

Also, 1 Turkish UAV moved over the Aegean Sea committing 4 of the 19 violations of the national airspace.

Turkish aircraft operated in the Northeast and Central Aegean and 14 infringements of air traffic rules were recorded in the Athens FIR.

The Turkish aircraft, as reported by Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDGS), were identified and intercepted in accordance with international rules of engagement and the established practices in similar instances, the Greek website further reported.


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