Iran not to keep economy waiting for Vienna talks results

Iran not to keep economy waiting for Vienna talks results
Mehr News
Mehr News - February 7th, 2022

President Ebrahim Raeisi made the remarks in a meeting with the visiting Finland's foreign minister Pekka Haavisto on Monday.

"Relations between the two countries have been very good all the years since the Islamic Revolution, but Finland's relations with other countries should not be influenced by foreigners," Raeisi said.

"We seek good relations with all countries in the region and we will continue this policy. Everywhere in our region, there is a problem due to the interference of foreigners," the president said.

Emphasizing that Finland can play a more active role in building peace and preventing insecurity, the President added that "in addition to developing economic relations and trade relations, Iran and Finland can cooperate in the fields of human rights, the fight against terrorism and organized crime."

Referring to Afghanistan's problems, Raeisi said that the United States and NATO had been present in the country for more than two decades, but its security had not increased, instead, destruction, war, poverty and misery for the Afghan people were the results of the foreign intervention.

Referring to the presence of about four million Afghan refugees in Iran, the president said, "We welcome the Afghan refugee brothers inside the country based on neighborhood and humanitarian approaches, but the Europeans are neglecting their duty in Afghanistan."

Referring to the nuclear talks in Vienna, Raeisi said that those who violated the JCPOA were the Americans and those who did not fulfill their obligations were the Europeans, while the International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed Iran's peaceful actions in a variety of its quarterly reports.

"We have stated that the ground for an agreement is ready if the sanctions are lifted, and Iran has shown that it is living up to its commitments, but we are not keeping our country's economy waiting for the results of the Vienna talks," the Iranian president went on to underscore.

"We hope that European countries will choose the path of independence from American domination because the United States is not a trustworthy country," Raeisi said, after referring to the Americans' admitting to the disastrous failure of the Maximum Pressure Campaign against Iran.

Referring to the 90th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Iran and Finland, the Finnish Foreign Minister said that his country attaches great importance to Iran and that there is a lot of potential for increased cooperation between the two countries.

Haavisto also said Helsinki is working to enhance bilateral interaction as well as cooperation between the two countries on regional security and world peace.

"We share common concerns," he said. "I agree with you on the formation of an inclusive government in Afghanistan. That was our message to the Taliban."

The top diplomat further expressed regret over the US withdrawal from the JCPOA.


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