US 'working vibrantly' on laser weapons against Iran UAVs

US 'working vibrantly' on laser weapons against Iran UAVs
Mehr News
Mehr News - January 15th, 2022

The top Central Command (CENTCOM) naval officer and US Fifth Fleet commander Vice Adm. Bradley Cooper said that "There is a growth in the missile defense force and in cruise missiles and Iranian UAVs and the proliferation of those UAVs throughout the region."

According to Sputnik, Cooper, who was speaking at a conference at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), added, "There has been a dramatic uptick in the UAV activity in the region: it is significantly different".

In response, the Fifth Fleet is deploying and developing the use of laser, or directed energy weapons on its warships in the region, the American general said, adding that he was not going to reveal any details of the work.


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