MPs call on Raeisi to obtain concrete guarantees from US

MPs call on Raeisi to obtain concrete guarantees from US
Mehr News
Mehr News - April 5th, 2022

In a letter to President Ebrahim Raeisi, about 190 lawmakers called for observing the Establishment's red lines and the protection of the nation's interests in the nuclear negotiations.

According to Fallahi, a representative of the Hamedan constituency at the Iranian parliament who collected signatures from lawmakers in support of the letter, more than 190 lawmakers have so far signed the letter to the president.

Iran demands the removal of all sanctions all at once and guarantees that the US would not abandon the deal again while the Western sides are yet to decide to abide by their commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal known as the JCPOA.

There is a pause in the latest round of the Vienna talks (the 8th edition) on the removal of the anti-Iran sanctions in Vienna which began on December 27 and has proven to be the lengthiest round of the talks so far. The talks are now in a situation where their success or failure hinges on the political decisions on the part of the Western parties.

Iran has put its clear proposals (red lines) and demands on the remaining issues on the table very clearly and the ball is in the western parties' court.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian tweeted yesterday to say that the US is to blame for the halt to the Vienna talks, saying that an agreement is within reach if the US adopts realism.

Meanwhile, Amir-Abdollahian stressed that Tehran will never give in to America's excessive demands in the talks.


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