Iran reacts to new IAEA report on enriched uranium stockpiles

Iran reacts to new IAEA report on enriched uranium stockpiles
Mehr News
Mehr News - November 17th, 2021

Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the International Organizations in Vienna Mohammad Reza Ghaebi reacted to the new report released by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Wednesday on Iran's nuclear activities.

Iran has increased its stockpiles of high-level purified enriched uranium, the IAEA said in a statement, adding that Tehran still denies access to the Karaj site.

Ghaebi said that in the new quarterly report of the IAEA on the implementation of JCPOA, it has been announced that the IAEA has continued its verification and monitoring activities in accordance with Iran's commitments.

The Iranian diplomat said that the IAEA-alleged Karaj site is under judicial investigation after a terrorist operation and the Iranian authorities argue that access to the site until the judicial investigation is done goes beyond Iran's commitments.

He added that Iran has asked the IAEA to help with the investigation into the terrorist operation at the Karaj site.

The IAEA reportedly said in its report released earlier today that Tehran increased its stockpiles of 60% enriched uranium to 17.7 kg in early November from the 10 kg at the end of August and 20% level from 84.3 kg at the end of August to 113.8 kg.

The Iranian representative further said that according to the IAEA report, enrichment activities at Natanz and Fordow sites, including the installation of cascades and new centrifuge machines and enrichment of up to 60% and beyond JCPOA-permitted level of 3.67% is continuing with the IAEA's knowledge.

He also said that the IAEA report also stated that Iran's stockpiles of enriched uranium at various levels up to November 6, were 2489.7 kg, and it is noted that the IAEA Director-General has accepted Iran's invitation to travel to Tehran to hold high-level meetings with Iranian government officials to discuss issues of mutual interest on September 12.

Ghaebi added that despite the differences in the technical field with the IAEA, interactions between the two sides continue with the prospect of resolving the remaining issues, and IAEA member states should refrain from making hasty or politically motivated comments in this regard.

Reuters quoted the IAEA report as saying that the UN nuclear watchdog has still not had access to re-install surveillance cameras at the TESA Karaj centrifuge-parts workshop in Iran, though that is essential to reviving the Iran nuclear deal.


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