Assadi case success for Iran, big failure for terrorist MKO

Assadi case success for Iran, big failure for terrorist MKO
Mehr News
Mehr News - May 27th, 2023

The detention and trial of Assadollah Assadi are considered a blatant violation of the basic principle of diplomatic immunity, Mohammad Dehghan reacted on Saturday to the release of the former Iran diplomat.

His release shows the Islamic Republic's determination to protect the rights of Iranians anywhere in the world.

Congratulating the country’s diplomatic apparatus and the Asadi family on the release, the official said that the news was a disgraceful defeat for the anti-Iran Mujahedin-e Khalq (MKO) terrorist organization.

Earlier on Friday, the Omani foreign ministry announced in a statement that the country's mediation between Iran and Belgium was successful in resolving the issue of the detained citizens of the two countries. Following the agreement, Asadollah Asadi, the Iranian diplomat detained in Brussels, was exchanged with Vandecasteele.


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