Yemen shoots down Saudi Spy drone over Hajjah sky

Yemen shoots down Saudi Spy drone over Hajjah sky
Mehr News
Mehr News - February 10th, 2022

A spokesman for Yemen’s Armed Forces Yahya Saree announced that Yemeni air defenses have shot down a Saudi spy drone in the town of Harz in Hajjah province.

Saying the drone was CH-4 armed drones, he added the drone was shot down by a surface-to-air missile while carrying out hostile actions.

Clashes between Sanaa forces and Saudi coalition forces have been intensified in the border areas between Hajjah province and the southern areas of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia, at the head of an Arab coalition backed by the United States, launched a military aggression against Yemen and imposed a land, air and sea blockade on March 26, 2015, claiming that it was trying to bring the ousted and fugitive Yemeni president back to power.

Not only the military aggression did not achieve any of sinister goals of Saudi-led coalition but also resulted in killing and wounding tens of thousands of Yemenis, displaced millions of Yemeni people and destroyed the country's vital infrastructure.


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