Iran uni, Nicaragua to expand medical, educational coop.

Iran uni, Nicaragua to expand medical, educational coop.
Mehr News
Mehr News - June 1st, 2022

Nicaraguan Ambassador to Iran Isaac Lenin Bravo Jaen made the comments in a meeting with the president of the Tehran-based Iran University of Medical Sciences Abdolreza Pazouki on Wednesday.

Isaac Lenin Bravo Jaen said at the meeting, "We seek to expand bilateral cooperation in education, medicine and education of our country's students in Iran."

The diplomat expressed satisfaction with the establishment of direct relations between the Embassy of Nicaragua and Iran University of Medical Sciences, noting that in recent years, relations between the two countries are not limited to political relations, but with agreements reached between the two presidents, bilateral cooperation has diversified to different fields.

He also said, "The meeting was a great opportunity for the first joint medical and academic cooperation between the two countries," adding that now, after US sanctions and pressure, Iran has been able to make progress in medicine, equipment production, and training of specialists. It is very significant and it is a pleasure for the students of his country to learn medicine from Iranians.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Isaac Lenin Bravo mentioned the joint cooperation with Iran's Barakat Pharmaceutical Group and added that the guaranteed relations between Nicaragua and Barakat Pharmaceutical Company can be used as a suitable opportunity for more interaction with the Iran University of Medical Sciences.

Pazouki said at the meeting for his part that the Iran University of Medical Sciences is ready to cooperate with Nicaragua.

The president of Iran University of Medical Sciences added that his university given its educational capabilities and capacities at different levels of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, health, midwifery and nursing and rehabilitation, can hold shared courses with the presence of Iranian professors and virtually for Nicaraguan students.


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