Anger over US po­lice ac­tion in Black, white teens fight

Anger over US po­lice ac­tion in Black, white teens fight
Mehr News
Mehr News - February 17th, 2022

The clip, posted on social media and aired by several media outlets, shows a fistfight between two teenagers at a shopping centre in Bridgewater, New Jersey, Al-Jazeera reported.

After about 10 seconds, two police officers arrive at the scene and forcefully separate the teens.

But while the Black teenager is violently thrown on the floor by the police officer, the young white man is simply made to sit on a sofa.

A policewoman is then seen putting her knee on the back of the young Black man as he lies flat on his stomach, while the male police officer handcuffs him.

“They basically tackle me to the ground and then the one – the male officer put his knee in my back and then he starts putting me in cuffs,” the Black teen, who gave his name as Kye, told ABC.

“And then the female officer came over and put her knee on my upper back too and started helping putting cuffs on me.”

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