ISIL member responsible for bombing in Al-Anbar arrested

ISIL member responsible for bombing in Al-Anbar arrested
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 13th, 2021

Iraqi army forces continue their counter-terrorism operations in various parts of the country and launched a new operation against the Takfiris, Baghdad Today reported.

According to the report, Iraqi forces targeted the remnants of ISIL elements in Al-Anbar province. During the operation, Iraqi forces identified and arrested the ISIL member responsible for the bombing in Al-Anbar.

Earlier, Iraqi army forces arrested one of the most dangerous ISIL elements in Nineveh province. The detained element has long been pursued by Iraqi forces.

Recently, Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units(PMU), known as Hashd al-Sha’abi and the Iraqi army launched a joint operation against the remnants of ISIL terrorist elements in the country. The operation was carried out in the Yathrib area, on the southern axis of Samarra.

Army and Hashd al-Sha’abi forces managed to confiscate some weapons belonging to the Takfiris of ISIL during the operation.

Following the liberation of Mosul in July 2017 and the end of the alleged caliphate of ISIL, many terrorists hid in the Iraqi provinces, especially Diyala, Kirkuk, Saladin, Al Anbar, and Nineveh, which have suitable geographical conditions for operations. They have carried out various terrorist operations over the past year.



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