Afghanistan welcomes Moscow conference’s resolution

Afghanistan welcomes Moscow conference’s resolution
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 19th, 2021

Pressing the warring factions in Afghanistan to reach a negotiated political settlement, the Moscow conference Thursday endorsed last year’s UN Security Council Resolution 2513 that opposed the restoration of the Taliban group in Afghanistan, Anadolu news agency reported.

Welcoming the development, Afghan Foreign Minister Mohammad Haneef Atmar said Afghanistan is committed to the implementation of the joint statement from the Moscow talks.

“Welcome joint statement of Troika+ talks in Moscow & share the call for ending hostilities & moving towards a peaceful settlement that preserves our sovereignty, unity, democracy & equal rights of all Afghans,” tweeted Atmar, adding, “Welcome the mention of UNSCR 2513 & reiterate its full implementation.”

During the conference, Mullah Baradar, the Taliban deputy leader, called for swift and thorough implementation of the February 2020 Doha agreement between the Taliban and the US.

He added, “We want a sustainable ‘Islamic system’ in Afghanistan under which people live their lives peacefully, and the region and the world remain confident about Afghanistan.”

Russia, the US, China, and Pakistan on Thursday called on the Taliban to abandon plans for a spring offensive following the Moscow meeting.

In a joint statement, approved by the meeting participants, the expanded troika urged all parties "to reduce the level of violence" and called on the Taliban not to pursue a spring offensive.

According to the statement, Russia, the US, China, and Pakistan agreed to "acknowledge the widespread and sincere demand of the Afghan people for an end to the war and a lasting and just peace," which can only be achieved through a negotiated political settlement.


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