Enemies seek to create division between Iranians, Afghans

Enemies seek to create division between Iranians, Afghans
Mehr News
Mehr News - April 11th, 2022

Iranian President's special envoy for Afghanistan Hassan Kazemi Qomi said on Monday that "A few months ago as the developments in Afghanistan were unfolding, the enemies of the two nations of Iran and Afghanistan spared no efforts to plunge two neighboring countries into a conflict and turn the empathy between the two nations into enmity."

"At that time, through Tehran and Kabul's cleverness, as well as the vigilance of both nations, the sedition of the enemies was thwarted and defeated," Kazemi Qomi added.

The special envoy for Afghanistan added that "Now, after a few months, the enemies of both nations have launched new complicated sedition which has two facetes: One began a few weeks ago, with fake and fabricated images and videos and publishing them in cyberspace to target the feelings of the people of the two countries and provoked some sentiments."

He went on to say that the second part of the new plot designed by the enemies was the assassination in the holy shrine of Imam Reza in Mashhad.

The Iranian diplomat said that after the stabbing attack in Mashhad against the clergymen, the enemies intensifies their sabotage campaign.

Kazemi Qomi addressed the Afghans that the video and the images on social media are fabricated and staged, assuring Afghanistan that the Afghan refugees in Iraq are in favorable condition and are treated well by the Iranians.

The diplomat also said what happened in front of the Iranian embassy in Kabul the consulate in Herat was plotted from outside the region.


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