Saudis withdraw troops, military equipment from Yemen’s Aden

Saudis withdraw troops, military equipment from Yemen’s Aden
Mehr News
Mehr News - November 9th, 2021

A group of Saudi Arabia’s troops left Aden in southern Yemen on Tuesday, Sputnik reported.

According to the report, Saudi forces in the commanding camp of Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition in al-Sha’b area in western Aden withdrew their weapons, armored vehicles and equipment from the area.

The Saudi’s military equipment left Aden with a ship from Al-Zait Port amid tight security arrangements.

A Saudi cargo plane also arrived at the airport in Aden at the same time to transport military equipment and troops, the source added.

In November 2019, Saudi aggressor coalition announced the redeployment of its forces in Aden and replaced UAE military forces. It should be noted that UAE occupied the city for four years.

This is while that UAE and Saudi Arabia have long been at loggerheads in southern Yemen, so that there are many conflicts between their mercenaries in Yemen.


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Mehr News - November 9th, 2021