Several killed, wounded in Saudi airstrike in Yemen’s Hajjah

Several killed, wounded in Saudi airstrike in Yemen’s Hajjah
Mehr News
Mehr News - February 21st, 2022

In less than 24 hours, the Saudi coalition killed civilians for the second time targeting residential areas in Yemen.

According to Al-Masirah, Saudi coalition fighters bombed a citizen's house in the city of Abs in Hajjah province on Sunday evening. At least one woman was killed and eight others, mostly women and children, were injured in the airstrikes.

On Sunday evening, the Saudi coalition bombarded the city of Harz in Hajjah province 26 times and the city of Al-Juba in Marib province twice.

Saudi artillery also targeted the Al-Qahar area in the Baqim district in Saada province last night, injuring at least nine Yemeni women.

Meanwhile, according to al-Masirah, the Liaison Officers' Operations Room in al-Hudaidah said that in the past 24 hours, the Saudi coalition had violated the ceasefire agreement in al-Hudaidah province 163 times.

Saudi Arabia launched the devastating military aggression against its southern neighbor in March 2015 in collaboration with a number of its allied states and with arms and logistics support from the US and several Western states.

The aim was to return to power the former Riyadh-backed regime and crush the popular Ansarullah movement which has been running state affairs in the absence of an effective government in Yemen.

The war has stopped well shy of all of its goals, despite killing tens of thousands of Yemenis and turning entire Yemen into the scene of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

Meanwhile, Yemeni forces have in recent months gone from strength to strength against the Saudi-led invaders and left Riyadh and its allies bogged down in Yemen.


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