Amano admits: No proof IRI seeks nuclear arms
Head of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Yukiya Amano has openly acknowledged to German lawmakers there was no proof whatsoever that Iran was pursuing a nuclear weapons program, said an opposition legislator of The Left party Monday. A member of the foreign affairs committee of the German parliament, Jan van Aken said in a statement released in Berlin that Amano had admitted there was not a single credible piece of evidence about an ongoing Iranian nuclear arms program when he met with German MPs last week. Van Aken warned the UN nuclear watchdog last month of making baseless allegations against Iran's nuclear program. Writing for the Berlin-based daily Neues Deutschland, Van Aken said the IAEA was playing with fire by accusing Tehran of trying to acquire atomic weapons. The MP emphasized the IAEA should solely look into the facts of Iran's nuclear program and not rely on speculations by western intelligence agencies. An ex-UN inspector on biological weapons, the lawmaker urged the IAEA to restore its image as a neutral organization whose inspectors would work on the basis of facts and not speculations.
News source: IRIB News
Related news: Amano admits: No proof IRI seeks nuclear arms
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