Venezuelan UN envoy reacts to arrival of Iranian fuel tankers

Venezuelan UN envoy reacts to arrival of Iranian fuel tankers
Mehr News

"Iranian gasoline reaching Venezuela is a landmark in the struggle for sovereignty, independence, and peace. Trump and his minions are thinking of a military attack against the tankers amidst the pandemic. His experts advise him otherwise," he tweeted.

"A group of 14 (retired) experts of the US intelligence community sent an open letter to Trump alerting him against a military attack on Iranian tankers with gasoline en route to Venezuela. They argue that the act of war does not serve US interests," he added.

"It could trigger unpredictable responses in any part of the world; the language of “maximum pressure, all necessary means, and options are on the table” lead to unprecedented situations beyond US control. It is an unnecessary adventure," the envoy wrote.

He noted that "warmongering Generals & advisers in Washington are playing with fire in a dangerous situation and exploiting Venezuelan extremists. They are seeking a war with Iran in the Middle East contrary to US interests. They’ve have attempted this many times in the past."

"Trump, Admiral Faller from the Southern Command, and the National Security Council are increasing tensions with threats that won’t weaken President Maduro, on the contrary they will strengthen him while unifying the majority of Venezuelans against the aggressions," he added.

"In their long experience in defending the US, they do not understand how could attacking legal trade between two countries that do not pose a national threat serve their own interests. Venezuelans, meanwhile, want no war either, but dialogue."

"Trump’s policy thus far has been a failure and, even with the pandemic, it seems to have no chance of success in the near future. Avoiding a war resulting from the wrong advice of adventurers in Washington and Venezuela is the best option for the US," he tweeted.

As reported, the first of five Iranian tankers carrying fuel entered Venezuela's exclusive economic zone late Saturday, despite a US official’s warning that Washington was considering a response to the shipment.

The tanker, named Fortune, reached the country’s waters at around 7:40 p.m. local time (1140 GMT) after passing north of the neighboring dual-island Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago, according to vessel-tracking data from Refinitiv Eikon, Reuters reported.

“The ships from the fraternal Islamic Republic of Iran are now in our exclusive economic zone,” tweeted Tareck El Aissami, Venezuela’s economy vice president and recently named oil minister.

Venezuelan state television showed images of a navy ship and aircraft preparing to meet it. The defense minister had pledged that the military would escort the tankers once they reached Venezuela’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) due to what authorities described as threats from the United States.

The tanker flotilla is carrying a total of 1.53 million barrels of gasoline and alkylate to Venezuela, according to both governments, sources, and calculations by

The desperately needed shipments have caused a diplomatic standoff between the United States and Iran and Venezuela, which are under US sanctions.

Iran has warned of repercussions from the potential interception of Iranian tankers by the US.

Despite its military threats, the US has remained motionless until the present moment.


News source: Mehr News

Related news: Venezuelan UN envoy warns of US military threat on Iranian oil tankers

Related topics: Reuters