Security situation in world has worsened: Iran UN envoy

Security situation in world has worsened: Iran UN envoy
Mehr News

Majid Takht Ravanchi made the remarks on Wed. at the Disarmament and International Security Committee of 75th Session of the UN General Assembly.

Referring to the ongoing conflicts and some current dangers such as use or threat of force, rising costs and escalation of arms races, he added, “Return of Cold War-era mentality along with the constant threat posed by weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and emergence of new threats in the field of artificial intelligence, cyber and outer space has worsened the security situation in the world extremely.”

In addition, conditions for dialogue between great powers are also disappearing, he emphasized.

Emphasizing the obstacles to nuclear disarmament and race to modernize nuclear arsenals as well as lack of political will for its holders to abandon nuclear weapons option, Takht Ravanchi stated, “More than 14,000 nuclear weapons and $100 billion annual costs and the possibility of their use is the danger that threatens humanity and the planet.”

"Unfortunately, 50 years after the implementation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the full implementation of its obligations, especially nuclear disarmament has not yet been implemented and certainly, credibility of NPT depends on strengthening the implementation of these obligations in next year's review conference,” he stressed.

He termed the United States and the Zionist regime as major obstacles to nuclear disarmament in the world and region and added, “The United States is the world's largest holder of nuclear weapons in a way that it (United States) spent $36 billion in 2019 alone on its nuclear arsenal and production of the latest nuclear weapons model.”

The United States has threatened non-nuclear nations with nuclear weapons and decreased the threshold of resorting to nuclear weapons, he said, adding, “Withdrawal of the United States from Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and its reluctance to renew the NPT have also dealt a major blow to the international disarmament and non-proliferation efforts.”

He also pointed to the destructive activities of the Zionist regime and added that the regime is also a regional security threat that with the support of the United States threatens other countries with nuclear destruction.


News source: Mehr News

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