Excellent talks raised on Black Sea-PG corridor in Tbilisi

Excellent talks raised on Black Sea-PG corridor in Tbilisi
Mehr News

At the end of his six-hour visit to Georgia, Mohammad Javad Zarif in a tweet on Thu. wrote, “In Tbilisi, met with President @Zourabichvili_S and PM @GakhariaGiorgi and held phone talk with self-quarantined FM @DZalkaliani.”

“Excellent discussions on expanding perennial bilateral ties & regional cooperation—especially a transit corridor connecting Black Sea to Persian Gulf", he added.

Mohammad Javad Zarif traveled to Azerbaijan, Russia, Armenia, and Georgia in recent days as a diplomatic tour and held discussions with officials of those countries.

He arrived in Istanbul on Thursday to consult with Turkish authorities.

Zarif has said that his regional tour aims to help de-escalate regional tensions and boost cooperation with neighboring countries.


News source: Mehr News

Related news: Excellent talks raised on Black Sea-PG corridor in Tbilisi