IRIAF speeding up achieving equipped drones: cmdr.

IRIAF speeding up achieving equipped drones: cmdr.
Mehr News

Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh made the comments at the 13th edition of Aero India 2021 commenced on Feb 03 in Bengaluru. 

In his address to the event in India, the IRIAF commander referred to the assassination of the Iranian top commander Lt. Gen. Qassem Soleimani and called for signing a convention to ban the use of airpower against freedom-seeker people like the Iranian top commander who are fighting terrorism. 

General Nasirzadeh added that with the emergence of new technologies in the field of airpower, a mechanism should be presented with the participation of all peacekeeping countries to monitor the improper use of airpower by some countries. 

He warned against some states' greedy desire to increase their power in the space, while stressing the Islamic Republic of Iran, like many other countries, is trying to secure its peaceful rights in the space with the aim of developing global security.

The IRIAF commander also said that Iran reserves the right to develop drones equipped with nanotechnology and artificial intelligence as well as nanosatellites and airborne launchers in line with its national interests. He pointed to the recent successful launch of Iran's newest satellite-carrying rocket, called "Zuljanah,"  as an achievement. 

He further recalled the Iraqi imposed war on Iran in the 1980s, saying that Tehran will continue to develop its activities in the aerospace field in order to deter aggressors from invading the country.

The commander of the army air force said that maintaining national and international stability for its own forces and allies is one of Iran's other goals in pursuing its aerospace program and developing its aviation industry.

He further noted that Iran will welcome with open arms constructive interaction and cooperation with neighboring and friendly countries that seek a future world free from war and military conflicts, adding that using the aerospace power is in line with the country's national interests and it is aimed at achieving and maintaining independence and self-sufficiency. 


News source: Mehr News

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