Moscow ready to coop with Iran, China on peace in Afghanistan

Moscow ready to coop with Iran, China on peace in Afghanistan
Mehr News

Speaking with his Afghan counterpart Mohammad Hanif Atmar on Fri., Lavrov stated that Moscow is concerned about escalating tensions in Afghanistan.

Moscow has expressed concern over escalating tensions in Afghanistan over the rise of ISIL terrorist group, Sputnik reported.

“We are ready for talks to support achieving a solution in Afghanistan in cooperation with Pakistan, China and Iran,” he added.

Meanwhile, Afghan Foreign Minister had previously arrived in Russia to meet with Russian officials.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Lavrov said that Americans are seeking to destroy Syria, adding, “Apparently, Americans never want to leave Syria. Presence of American forces in Syria is illegitimate and a violation of international law. Talks between Moscow and Washington on Syria will begin soon.”


News source: Mehr News

Related news: Moscow ready to coop with Iran, China on peace in Afghanistan