Headlines of Iranian Persian dailies on March 10

Headlines of Iranian Persian dailies on March 10
Mehr News


Earthquake in Queen Elizabeth’s palace

Ireland; a new European mediator


Iran inaugurates biggest portable hospital equipped with 99 beds

Russian FM calls on Iran, US to take synchronized steps for reviving JCPOA

Jomhuri-e Eslami:

Pope: Iraq visit first step to strengthen relations with Shias

Hezbollah: Pope’s meeting with Ayatollah Sistani has positive results

Reuters: Iran gradually increasing oil sales

Afghan people angry with new US peace plan


US not in a position to set conditions for JCPOA


Key center at Saudi military airport destroyed by new ballistic missile: Yemeni spox

Terrorist attack on the path of pilgrims in Baghdad leaves 3 martyred, 30 injured


News source: Mehr News

Related news: Headlines of Iranian Persian dailies on March 10

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