Hormuz Strait's security can be ensured by regional states

Hormuz Strait's security can be ensured by regional states
Mehr News

Holding joint meetings in order to exchange maritime information and technical knowhow conveys this message that security and peace in the strategic Strait of Hormuz and North Indian Ocean can only be achieved with the cooperation and interaction of regional countries.

Second Rear Admiral Jafar Tazakor made the remarks on Monday in his meeting with Khan Mahmood Asif, commader of a Pakistani naval fleet, and stated that strengthening military relations and achieving a method accepted by both sides for the implementation of combined naval exercises is the main aim of interactions between the two navies of Iran and Pakistan.

This maritime synergy and interaction at different levels between the two countries of Iran and Pakistan will lead to the realization of common maritime goals, he said, adding, “As a result, maritime cooperation between the two countries will show determination and will of the navies of the two countries in establishing security of transportation and maritime trade in the regions under their control.”

The Pakistani commander, for his part, emphasized that sailing trips to the Islamic Republic of Iran will deepen friendly relations between the two countries and added that such trips, in addition to transferring specialized experiences, will increase capabilities and transfer of experiences between the two countries.

Strengthening relations between the two countries' navies and holding joint naval exercises are the two main goals of the fleet in Bandar Abbas, he added.

Establishing security in the Persian Gulf, which is the most important international waterway in the world, is important for Iran and Pakistan, the commander continued.


News source: Mehr News

Related news: Hormuz Strait's security can be ensured by regional states