Zionist regime a base for destabilization of West Asia

Zionist regime a base for destabilization of West Asia
Mehr News

"The Zionist entity is a base of destabilization for the Middle East and the whole world but the evil powers benefit by planting more military bases and more tyrannical regimes that keep conflicts ongoing to keep nations diverted from the liberation of the occupied holy land of Palestine," head of Canadian Defenders for Human Rights, Firas Al Najim, told Mehr News Agency in an exclusive interview.

Here is the full text of the interview:

How far do you believe international organizations have been successful with regard to the situation of human rights in Palestine? If they have been successful, how come that we still see anti-human acts of the Israeli regime?

Unfortunately, most international organizations are fearful to speak out against the Zionist regime's war crimes and human rights violations as the Zionist lobbies have many politicians, media, organizations and bullying tactics to respond. Although, a few organizations that resist and continue to speak out and put efforts have been somewhat successful as we have seen the recent approval by the ICC international criminal court to investigate the Zionist regime for war crimes and this really angered the Zionist regime, international Zionist lobbies and Zionists worldwide as they hate to be highlighted and exposed. It doesn’t stop them from committing anti-human acts but it puts pressure on them and makes them hesitant to commit more open and clear acts. 

Why the US vetoes most of the anti-Israeli resolutions in the UN Security Council?

The US vetoes most of the anti-Israeli resolutions in the UN because the establishment of this illegitimate war criminal entity was planted to assist the hegemonic powers including the US to control the Middle East and suck its resources. The Zionist entity is a base of destabilization for the Middle East and the whole world but the evil powers benefit by planting more military bases and more tyrannical regimes that keep conflicts ongoing to keep nations diverted from the liberation of the occupied holy land of Palestine.

The US can’t call for sanctions or real penalties against the Zionist regime because that would mean weakening its foothold on the region and holding accountable all its allies such as the Saudi, UAE, and Bahraini regimes, and others that commit the same type of Israeli crimes. The US is a black stain in the UN and on Human Rights.

Which governments do you think play a bigger role in violating the rights of Palestinian people?

The US, UK, France and other Western systems have the biggest hand in violating the right of the Palestinian people as they are the ones giving the green light for the Zionist occupation to continue breaching international law without any accountability or penalties. Also, these Western systems allow the Zionists to send billions and millions of money to strengthen the economy of the Zionist regime and some also allow military recruitment from the Zionist diplomatic missions such as Canada.

What is the mission of public opinion, especially in Europe and America, with regards to dealing with such anti-human behaviors? 

The mission of the West in regards to public opinion is to blare out the Palestinian sufferings and distort this major conflict by painting a picture as if Israel is the one that is oppressed and at risk. The best way the media paints this picture is by highlighting more attacks by the extremist deviant groups such as ISIL and al Qaeda so the public opinion can always be reared towards safeguarding this so-called democracy at danger by these groups that we obviously know are supported and backed by the western puppet regimes such as the Wahhabi Saudi regime.

How do you assess the internal situation of Israel as economic pressures and challenges with regards to identity has increased in Israeli society?

The Zionist society is broken up and divided as the Zionist regime discriminated against its own citizens by colours and ethnicities. There is also a political divide as we saw the largest protests before the recent elections in the Zionist regime that surrounded Netanyahu’s palace meaning the opposition to his extremist politics has a large support base that could erupt in any future developments. The Arabs in Jerusalem are rising up against the biased system while the Zionist regime claims its equal with dealing with the Arabs. In reality, it’s a big volcano ready to erupt at any moment and the repercussions will be very dangerous for the Zionist occupation.

Why peace plans that are mainly in line with safeguarding Israeli interests has failed to make any progress?

All these so-called peace plans were crafted to silence and trick the Palestinians while the Zionist regime expands its control and occupation and it is very clear. Especially when they presented the treacherous Deal of the Century; they exposed the Zionist regime's true face when it wanted to implement a deal without the other party involved in the negotiations, meaning to impose a deal on another side by force and expect them to accept it. There is NO PEACE PLAN with a 73-year blood thirsty barbaric occupation by the name of Israel. The one and only solution is the full dismantlement of the Zionist regime and full prosecution of all the human rights violators to preserve human rights and sovereignty. A FREE PALESTINE

Interview by Mohammad Ali Haqshenas

News source: Mehr News

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