11 people confirmed dead in Florida Condo collapse

11 people confirmed dead in Florida Condo collapse
Mehr News

The Champlain Towers South Condo, a 12-story residential building in Surfside, Florida, collapsed overnight on June 24 as many of the residents were asleep. At present, investigators are still unsure what prompted the demolition-like collapse, although speculation has remained at an all-time high.

Authorities involved in ongoing rescue efforts in Florida announced on Monday that the number of confirmed deaths from the partial condominium collapse has risen to 11, increasing by one fatality since the previous update.

Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava told reporters during a news conference that first responders had recently recovered an additional body from the site as rescue efforts have gone into the fifth day, Sputnik news agency reported.

The mayor further stressed that the figures are "fluid," and are more than likely to change throughout the day.

“We are exploring all possible avenues, and we are going to continue and work ceaselessly to exhaust every possible option in our search,” she said. “We are going to get to the bottom of what happened here. Right now, our top priority is search and rescue and find the people.”

Rescue efforts currently involve the participation of over 300 first responders, including some from Israel and Mexico. The Army Corps of Engineers, which is often tapped for relief missions, has also been called in to assist officials.

From canine units to high-tech cameras, officials on site are tapping a variety of tools to sift through the rubble. Over the weekend, teams dug a massive trench measuring more than 125 feet long and four stories deep that will help them to better access the site.

Experts have hinted that efforts to clear the site, identify remains and pinpoint the exact cause of the collapse could take several months.


News source: Mehr News

Related news: 11 people confirmed dead in Florida Condo collapse