US withdrawal, maximum pressure main causes of JCPOA issues

US withdrawal, maximum pressure main causes of JCPOA issues
Mehr News

In a sweeping speech that touched on topics from the global pandemic to counterterrorism, North Korea to the Iran nuclear issue and Taiwan, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi showcased China's rising confidence and assertiveness in global affairs while criticizing the US and its allies for grasping to an outdated Cold War mentality, The Straits Times reported.

On the Iranian nuclear issue, Wang said it is most critical for the US to make an earlier decision to rejoin the agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

"The US unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA and its maximum pressure on Iran are the root causes of the current Iranian nuclear crisis," said Wang, adding, "As the saying, goes, he who tied the bow should untie it."

Wang said the world must categorically oppose "bloc" confrontation, citing US efforts in the Indo-Pacific region as an example.

"It is the revival of the Cold War mentality and regression of history. It should be swept into the dustbin", he said.

"Dreaming the old dream of hegemony during the Cold War will not secure a promising future, still less build back a better world," said Wang.


News source: Mehr News

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