Some regional states revised positions toward JCPOA

Some regional states revised positions toward JCPOA
Mehr News

"We observe very positive progress. Not long ago some of these states were against JCPOA and welcomed the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal," Mikhail Ulyanov said in his Twitter account.

"Now they demonstrate the ability to draw lessons and revise their position in the light of experience gained. Deserves respect", Ulyanov added.

His remarks came in reaction to claims leveled by US State Department over Iran's peaceful nuclear activities.

Senior US and PGCC officials convened the first Working Group on Iran in Riyadh today. They agreed that Iran’s nuclear program is a grave concern and called for an urgent mutual return to full compliance with the JCPOA, US State Department claimed in a tweet.

Iran and the remaining signatories to the JCPOA known as the P4+1 with the indirect involvement of the United States have held six rounds of talks so far with no results. The Western powers made excessive demands during the talks and the talks were halted amid the change in the government in Iran.

The Iranian deputy foreign minister and the new top negotiator said last Wednesday that the talks on the removal of the US sanctions on Iran will start on November 29.

As part of the remedial measures taken by Iran amid the indifference of the JCPOA parties to continued US violations of the JCPOA, Iran halted voluntary implementation of the Additional Protocol, which allows unannounced inspections of its nuclear sites by the IAEA inspectors as per a piece of legislation approved in the Iranian parliament last December as well as the JCPOA itself.

Meanwhile, Speaking in his weekly press conference, the Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Khatibzadeh said on Monday that the IAEA chief in invited to visit Tehran to meet with the Iranian Foreign Minister and the Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI).

Referring to the agenda of Iranian negotiators in JCPOA-related talks in Vienna slated to be held on Nov. 29, the foreign ministry spokesman said that the focus of Vienna talks would be on lifting all illegal sanctions imposed by the United States on Iran.


News source: Mehr News

Related news: Some regional states revised positions toward JCPOA