Parts of Iran's demands on sanctions lifting not met in talks

Parts of Iran's demands on sanctions lifting not met in talks
Mehr News

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian made the remarks in a joint press conference with his Finnish counterpart Pekka Haavisto on Monday.

Answering a question about the continuation of the eighth round of talks in Vienna on Tuesday, he said, "We focused on the latest texts which were reached after Iran's negotiations with the P4+1. In reviewing the latest texts of the Vienna talks, parts of our demands in the field of lifting sanctions have not yet been met."

"In the coming days, Mr. Ali Bagheri and senior negotiating experts in Vienna will focus on the document to be agreed upon, in which the various parties will show their return to the commitments under the JCPOA," he added. 

He also expressed hope that the final agreement will be reached at this stage, saying, "Whether we can reach a good agreement in the coming days depends on the initiative and the behavior of the three European countries and the United States."

Amir-Abdollahian also said that the Iranian team will continue its efforts to reach a good agreement with good faith and seriousness.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he also pointed to his meeting with Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto, saying that the two sides discussed various areas of bilateral relations. "Iran-Finland relations are stable and on the right track."

The Finnish Foreign Minister, for his part, called Iran's role in the region important. "Iran was one of the first countries to recognize Finland's independence 90 years ago and is one of the most important countries for Finland and one of the most important countries in the region."

He also expressed hope for the revival of the JCPOA, saying, "Finland supports the efforts of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and we know that Iran has good cooperation with the IAEA. The results of the Vienna talks can be an opportunity to increase exchanges between the two countries."


News source: Mehr News

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