Afghan border guards need to know exact boundary lines

Afghan border guards need to know exact boundary lines
Mehr News

Deputy Iranian interior minister for security affairs Mir-Ahmadi pointed to the skirmishes earlier today between Iranian and Afghan border guards at the shared border and said that "According to the reports received yesterday, a limited number of Afghan border guard forces in the Zahak district did provocative actions without respecting geographical boundaries."

He added that "Border Guard of the Islamic Republic of Iran handeled the issue and ended it by taking measures to prevent situation from being escalated. Unfortunately, today, in the same area, the Afghan border guards took another provocative action and started shooting at the Iranian border guards."

He aslo noted that the Iranian border guards responded to the shooting from the other side of the border around noon today and after about an hour of limited skirmishes, this issue was ended by the management and domination of the Border Guard of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

Mir-Ahmadi conlcuded that it is necessary to justify Afghanistan's border guard forces about the geographical and border limits. This issue has been stressed to the Afghan authorities many times to avoid escalation.


News source: Mehr News

Related news: Afghan border guards need to know exact boundary lines