Medicine-related sanctions a terrorist act against patients

Medicine-related sanctions a terrorist act against patients
Mehr News

Reza Najafi made the remarks in the first high-profile meeting of the Group of Friends of Neutrality for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development held in Turkmenistan on Saturday evening and said that the countries imposing sanctions actually use medicine and medical equipment as a weapon against patients, which is illegal, inhumane and shameful.

Turning to the negative consequences of the destructive policy of a group of countries in using prominent concepts such as human rights as an excuse to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, Najafi said that alarming trends of the nuclear arms race, the possibility of easy use of various types of nuclear weapons and threats of terrorist groups, increased military spending in the world and abuse of international institutions are the serious concerns and clear examples of weakening of international peace and security.

Such irresponsible actions are in blanatnt violation of international law, he emphasized.

Najafi stressed the readiness of the Islamic Republic of Iran to cooperate actively and constructively with the members of the Group to materialize the aforementioned goals.

The Group of Friends of Neutrality for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development was set up at the initiative of Turkmenistan since 2020 with the aim of strengthening the use of preventive diplomacy tools and settling conflicts peacefully. Nearly 20 countries are its members.


News source: Mehr News

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