Foreign Ministry statement on hostile stances towards Iran

Foreign Ministry statement on hostile stances towards Iran
Mehr News

The statement said that the Islamic Republic of Iran is steadfast in supporting and promoting human rights, regardless of the double and negative cliches that have been created as part of the campaign of some governments over the past decades to discredit Iran.

The rights of women and all members of the Iranian nation have always been respected and in many aspects such as women's access to education, equal rights and respect for human rights, and the Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the leading governments, the statement added.

The Islamic Republic of Iran does not accept fake agendas that are organized as part of a political campaign to put maximum pressure on Iran's growing nation and government and strongly condemns the abuse of international processes - both in the United Nations Human Rights Council and the EU foreign ministers council.

The police forces have tried to control the rampant violence in recent riots and confront some terrorist acts in accordance with the rules and based on respect for human rights, the statement continued.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, while rejecting any selective use of human rights, which has become a tool to advance the political interests of some European and governments and the US, rejects the double standards of those governments toward their allied countries. The country also considers the silence of the claimants of human rights against these crimes as a clear example of human rights being sacrificed for political interests, according to the statement.

The statement also added that the Islamic Republic of Iran would not tolerate individuals and institutions that have systematically been involved in the promotion of violence and terrorism, and will use all national and international legal and judicial capacities to fulfill the rights of the Iranian nation.

Turning to the Vienna negotiations on lifting the illegal sanction against Iran, the foreign ministry noted that Iran's demands in the talks were within the framework of the JCPOA but the long list of violations by the European and US sides regarding the implementation of the nuclear deal forces Iran to be realistic for the future.

The goal of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to conclude a stable agreement in which firstly Iran's practical benefit from the lifting of sanctions is guaranteed and secondly, it would not be easily violated under the influence of the internal politics of the governments.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to conclude the negotiations based on the draft of the Vienna negotiations, which was the result of months of hard and intensive negotiations, the statement read.

Turning to Iran-IAEA relations, the statement clarifies that the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a responsible member of the NPT, has always cooperated with the International Atomic Energy Agency based on its international obligations and is determined to continue this cooperation. Iran advises Western countries not to destroy the atmosphere of technical cooperation between Iran and the Agency.

The statement stressed Iran's position regarding the Ukraine war by stating that the fundamental position of the Islamic Republic of Iran toward the Ukraine crisis is to support the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the necessity of ending the conflict through political solutions.

As has been repeatedly emphasized by the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran, we have not provided any drones to be used in the war in Ukraine. All of Iran's defense and weapons cooperation with other countries have been in line with Iran's international rights and obligations, it adde.

Elsewhere in the statement, the importance of maintaining regional security by the countries of the region was emphasized.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, in the Thursday statement, also strongly condemned the imposition of unacceptable sanctions by the European Union.


News source: Mehr News

Related news: Foreign Ministry statement on hostile stances towards Iran