Country in peace thanks to people's insightful support

Country in peace thanks to people's insightful support
Mehr News

Hojjatuleslam Khatib, Minister of Intelligence of the Islamic Republic of Iran, made the comments during a trip to the western city of Urmia where he announced the dismantling of Mossad agents inside the country.

Stating that those detained terrorist teams had sinister goals for assassination and carrying out blasts in different parts of the country, the minister added, "One of the leaders of this team resided in one of the European countries, and we will make that case public when our research and investigation is complete."

He pointed to the recent foreign-orchestrated riots in the country, saying that they were aimed at undermining the country's security of powerful Iran, the Islamic Establishemnt, and the people, but they all failed through people's insight and support for the government.

"During the recent riots, the enemies created a hybrid war with all their communications and media means," Khatib said, adding that the "global" propaganda war waged against the country was defeated.

"Creating mercenary groups and riots with the help of separatist groups and waging a propaganda war were aimed at toppling the Islamic Republic," he said while stressing that the enemies' plots were all defeated thanks to the wise leadership of the country as well as people's insight.

He went on to say that the enemy now talks about the JCPOA revival once again to deflect attention from their failure in riots.


News source: Mehr News

Related news: Country in peace thanks to people's insightful support